One of the best wedding destination in Italy


In the last 40 years Sardinia has been known to be one of the most beautiful and exclusive place in the mediterranean sea. The white sand beaches and the blue/green sea become soon iconic. Be international recognized as a paradise on earth was enought for us.
For many years nothing changes since few time ago when the Sardinian people have been able to rediscover and be proud of the beauties of the inner territory of the island.
Hit to play this Sardinian music loud

This song explains more than other words our idea to combine the strong Sardinian tradition with the excellence in music. Enjoy the music!
traditional sardinia wedding | traditional ceremony in Lollove | wedding in lollove | sardinian wedding traditions
traditional sardinia wedding
Our beautiful island
In the last 40 years Sardinia has been known to be one of the most beautiful and exclusive place in the mediterranean sea. The white sand beaches and the blue/green sea become soon iconic. Be international recognized as a paradise on earth was enought for us.
For many years nothing changes since few time ago when the Sardinian people have been able to rediscover and be proud of the beauties of the inner territory of the island.
Sardinian wedding traditions
That was very important step in our lives.
We understood that we have more to share with other people, our sardinian wedding traditions for example.
We have thousands years of history to tell the people, we have a stunning natural enviroment, we have the Sardinian people.
So, we started working on a different idea of tourist business, made of experiences to share with others, we wanted to give more than sand and salt water, we knew that we can do that.
And people immediately loved this way of thinking and embraced it with great affort.
Sardinia is now a place on earth where you can came 365 days per year and be happy to be here.
We have strong wedding traditions
traditional sardinia wedding
Wedding industry is a bit slower than touristic industry, people always want to get married on the beach in front of the sea and so on. Let me explain, it’s ok to get married on the beach, if I could I would do exactly that.
But… do you want to live the same experience that many many others lived before you or do you want to live a new and more exciting experience together with your guests for a real traditional sardinia wedding.
My close friend and amazing photographer Francesca Floris and I started from this point to planning a traditional sardinian wedding. We thought about a nice place, not so common for others and very romantic.
Traditional ceremony in Lollove
And we found Lollove a place known to be one of the least inhabited in Europe, just 26 inhabitants.
We started talking with top level suppliers to organize a shooting there and we found enthusiastic people to work with.
Everyone has immediately loved the idea about telling people that living a different and more exicting experience was possible.
Together we worked hard wirh the Lollove comunity for two days to show you a bunch of Sardinian wedding traditions.
Like every other place on earth Sardinia has a lot of wedding traditions so why not to embrace them to give your wedding a more intense experience like a traditional sardinia wedding?
The Lollove comunity will welcome you so will do all the suppliers involved in this traditional sardinia wedding.
Here you can see some more inspirational weddings in sardinia.
There’s a very nice page about wedding in Sardinia, great wedding locations and wedding venues, some of the best places for your ceremony on the beach.
In that page I summarize most of the things I learned about weddings in Sardinia in 13 years I’ve been in the wedding industry.
Blog posts below show my works as a wedding photographer in Sardinia

Meryeme e Leonardo
Dall’odio all’amore per i fotografi, sono sempre stato abbastanza negativo di confronti dei fotografi ma con Antonio mi sono completamente ricreduto.
Gentile, educato, professionale e molto molto bravo.
Ci tengo a sottolineare un aspetto che per me era cruciale: non è stato per niente invadente e comunque siamo pieni di foto mozzafiato. Lui e la suo collega Fabiana sono stati fenomenali. Rivolgetevi senz’altro a lui

Grazie ad Antonio e al suo staff abbiamo documentato il nostro grande giorno nel miglior modo possibile. Discreti e mai invadenti, gentilissimi e sempre disponibili.
Straconsigliato! Grazie per averci accompagnato in questo momento importante.

Ciao Antonio,
Thank you soooo much for your great photo artworks.Although we know that you are more than good, we both were totally impressed about your professional work anyway.
All the other people (including designers and photographers), who have seen the photos yet are of the same opinion.
The fitting atmosphere and your unique moody touch in every single picture just blew our minds.You made our day!
Big hugs from Boris and me from Berlin to Alghero.
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about Italian spectacular destinations and weddings

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